It has been a long wait for our homebred youngsters to ‘come of age’ for the basics of their backing but here we are.
Will they make the grade of sensible yet sensitive mounts for Western riding therapy?
We have two youngsters, one mare and one gelding and they each have their own page for you to watch their progress, we have included their baby and growing photos, their training videos will go on YouTube so you can watch them take their first ‘baby steps’ under saddle and watch how our volunteer ‘test pilots’ get on and see if any join an ‘airborne division’ ðŸ¤
Click on Cherry's photo to go to her page
Clicks on Jester's photo to go to his page
Cherokee's Mum & Escort Horse - American Quarter Horse
Jester's Mum - American Paint Horse, sadly no longer with us
Dad of both - American Quarter Horse / American Paint Horse
Grandad of both - American Quarter Horse / American Paint Horse